31 May Refined Sugar-Free Strawberry Cheesecake Popsicles
I always appreciate a good, healthy, homemade treat! While my usual “go to” is homemade ice cream, the recent purchase of a popsicle mold sent me on the hunt for healthy popsicle recipes – cue crazy pinnin’ of popsicle recipes last week. Sorry pinterest followers.
I was looking initially for a Keto popsicle recipe for a weekly family dinner we attend. (I was searching for Keto since there are currently several family members on this diet). After stumbling across a delicious Keto Strawberry Cheescake Popsicle recipe here, I then went on the search for a refined sugar-free version for those nonketo-ers who attend. To my great surprise, no such recipe existed on the vast interweb. So, I put on my big girl pants and decided to ad-lib and came up with this delicious honey-sweetened version. By golly, I liked it so much I thought I would share it with you. So here it is:
- 10 oz cream cheese, softened
- 1 1/4 cup cream
- 1/2 cup honey (I prefer raw, local honey)
- Juice of half a lemon
- 2 cups fresh or frozen strawberries (I used frozen)

- Place the strawberries in a food processor and process until chopped into small pieces. Remove from food processor and place to the side.
- Place cream cheese in a food processor and process until smooth.
- Add cream, honey, and lemon juice. Process until well combined.
- Add 1 1/2 cups of the strawberries and process until almost fully smooth. Add in remaining chopped strawberries and pulse a few times until just mixed in.
- Pour mixture into popsicle molds and add popsicle sticks. I use this mold with wooden popsicle sticks. This recipe fills ten 3 ounce popsicle molds.
- Freeze at least 4 hours. To unmold, fill a bowl with hot water and dip mold in 10-15 seconds, and then gently wiggle stick to release. (only dunk as close to the lid line without fully submerging)

Popsicles on Instagram
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Fitoru Fitness
Posted at 16:17h, 23 JanuaryYou did a wonderful job and I am so glad I got to be a part of it.I know so many people who will love the recipes in this!